Choosing Convenience Over Principles, Are you?

We’re faced with decisions each day.

It’s not enough to know the difference between right and wrong. The important thing is to convert those principles into words and actions.

Given the option, would you rather choose the right path, even though it’s difficult, or the easy route, knowing that you’ll be compromising your standards?

11 Ways People Choose Convenience over Principles:

It may be easier to:

1. Sugarcoat bad news rather than tell it like it is.

2. Sweep a problem under the rug rather than address the issue head-on.

3. Create low expectations rather than set “stretch” goals.

4. Look the other way rather than reprimand a star performer for unethical behavior.

5. Point a finger rather than admit a mistake and learn a valuable lesson.

6. Throw money at a problem rather than make good use of what we have.

7. Follow the crowd rather than remain true to our beliefs and values.

8. Promote a quick-fix solution rather than address a problem’s root cause.

9. Distribute resources equally rather than set priorities and make tough choices.

10. Maintain silence rather than speak up against injustice.

11. Encourage dependency rather than provide people with good opportunities as well as the tools to succeed.

Compromising your principles, even one time, can be a terrible mistake.

As the saying goes, “Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny!”

The fact is, knowing what’s right isn’t as important as doing what’s right.

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